Monday, April 13, 2009


Conure parrots present an appearance that is slightly squat and somewhat comically an abbreviation of a longer and larger parrot types। The squat posture will become more apparent when the neck elongates and the back lengthens। Conure parrots have a sweet disposition that makes them perfect for domesticated pets and companion animals. They answer quickly to spoken words and commands to repeat words and phrases.
A rounded head and beak line carries through to the forward neck and head, and conure parrots can step, speak, and gesture and respond to human coaching and name calling behavior. For a finch sized smallish bird, conures can be very talkative and alert, with a strong sense of “identity”. Imitation of human speech will eliminate the whistle effect in conure speech ‘parroting”.

Baby conure parrots have well developed beaks, round shaped eyes, and move up and down, hinting at later attentiveness and energy in response to stimuli. Babies also develop a habit of relaxing, falling asleep, and falling on their backs laid out. This can be startling to owners. The babies wake up, become re-oriented to their surroundings, and pick themselves up. When perched and clasping objects, hands, and surfaces, their multi branched claws allow balance and agility without flight.

Conure parrots are bright, quick, and attentive। Their neck bending and arching may give a shy appearance, but a bright eye curving outward from the head proportion gives a hint of a wily and intelligent attitude. Head shaking, side to side head and neck bobbing, and other reactions to stimuli may occur. Conure parrots speak in a high, sharp, squawkish rasp.
Cnures come in many sub-specifications, like half moon conures and peach fronts. These types of labels generally refer to colored marking of the feather colors and fuzzy down directly over the beak. The peach color can be a salmon pinkish hue. Sun conures reflect bright yellowish plumage. Conures can become attached, display pecking and cuddling behavior, and be taught tricks.

Conures can be coached into speech, or left untrained to make natural bird sounds. If conventional wisdom conveys that sun conures or other types of conure parrots can’t talk well, this is always going to be a reflection of the owner. Time, attention, and patience will be reflected in speaking abilities in parrots. Conures are popular as household pets because of their personality and interactivity response value.

Conure parrots eat cooked parrot food, dry seed, and prepared mixtures. Berries and other types of fruit trees native to the Conure wildlife origin will most suit the animal. Conure parrots should eat a modest amount of food and be consistently fed a diet that reflects healthy behavior development and mood. Beware of overfeeding and making the bug sluggish. Baby conures are often hand fed.

Healthy feather growth covers its skin, keeping it moist and helping to prevent it from being exposed to bacteria and some airborne viruses. Conure owners should always be on lookout for beak and feather diseases. Domesticated parrot pets should be given baths as wild parrots receive similar washing from rain, pond water, and fountain or waterfall mist. Conure parrots will duck their beak under water surfaces and scatter water back over their shoulder feathers. Standalone inflatable bath wells can be placed on the floor as well.

Conure parrots are perch pets, which spend almost all of their time standing on fixed claws. Parrots are feathered bipeds with flight abilities, unless hand reared and domesticated with clipped feathers. Full wingspan birds can alight in the air briefly, and clipped conure parrots.

Conure owners can manufacture their own bird bath facilities in a sink with a tap running, and a water bowl setting in the center of the sink. Set the parrot on the rim and let him wander through his bath. Pet parrot owners can even shower with their parrots and blow dry their feathers! Make sure under feather skin and wing feather nooks and crannies are dryish. Use medium warm water and only medium blow dry heat settings.

Feather pulling and plucking can be prevented by tying on a preventative linen vest that protects the skin and hide through the trunk and joints. The day and night area should be ventilated but protected from insects and other hostile animals. In the wild, parrots can fly away from climates or areas which are too cold or too hot. But domesticated pet parrots must depend on their owners for temperature control in their living environment.

Clipping the wings of a conure parrot is a matter of person opinion. A clipped parrot requires husbandry to survive without a full feathered wingspan. Domestic conure parrots which are clipped to aid husbandry must depend on their owners in every instance from protection from predators and exist without flight.

Some of the most common types of conures that are domesticated and kept as pets include sun conures, golden conures, green cheek conures, peach front conures, yellow sided conures, blue crown conures, patagonian conures, and red breasted conures. All of these are similar with the exception of their bright and beautiful colors, which identify the type of conure it is.


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